Turkey Cutlet with Asparagus
How to prepare a sophisticated turkey cutlet with asparagus easily at home.
Ingredients (for 4 people):
- slices of Turkey 4
- bunches of asparagus 2
Ingredients for preparing the cutlet :
- 1 egg
- flour
- bread crumbs
Preparation of cutlet :
- Place each ingredient in a separate plate.
- Beat egg, you will use egg to prepare the breading.
- Breads each slice of turkey in the flour, then into the egg beaten and finally in the breadcrumbs.
- Then add oil extra virgin of olive at a pan, when it is warm, fry the turkey cutlets or all together or separately as suits you. It depends only on the size of your frying pan.
Preparation of Asparagus
- Start cleaning the vegetables according to the instructions found here.
- After scraping the green outside, cut off the end harder and clear, grouped the asparagus in a bundle and tie with string. If it is necessary draw them with a knife so they will have the same length.
- Now proceed with the firing, you will need a large pot that you fill with water and place in which the bunch of asparagus.
- Bake for 15 minutes until soft.
- Dry them and serve on a plate like I did.
Tip: Now enjoy this simple and quick dinner at home. It might take 30 minutes to prepare this dish. It depends how many people are going to eat.
Tip: It happens sometimes do not have time to organize a huge dinner. So, remember that this recipe will help you to sort it out.
- Last think to do, decorate the asparagus with some oil extra virgin of olive and same creamy vinegar. Add salt and serve it.
Hope you will enjoy this dish as mush I did.
Alessandra Simple Recipes